Friday 2 March 2012

ALS homework

What I see in the picture is a black lady with long eye lashes, wearing white colour dress with white hanging earring. She has black long hair tied by white flower hair decoration. Closed eye.
Her hands is open up, butterfly stay on both hands. there 14 colourful butterflies in the picture. The background colour of this picture is green and yellow. 


  1. I like the picture you used to critique. I find the lady very much elegant with nature loving quality....:)

  2. Now using what you describe ..'play' with looking beyond the literal...Jung method of amplification is the process towards 'active imagination' a method employed in analytical psychotherapy. Take the key descriptive words...e.g. black, white, 14, butterflies etc etc . and free associate, allow your imagination to open up possibilities, play with symbols, metaphors, repeating motifs etc etc. imagine if what has been described was a dream you had....what may the dream attempting to communicate from the unconscious to the consciousness. Example If this was my dream (Thus not yours, as I am not trying to interpret yours only sharing my playful fantasy imaginations that can provide a source for further self-reflection - this is an important principle) ... butterflies - transient and fragile 'beauty' - short life span - what attracts and seduce is only temporal, black and white feminine principle - dark shadow aspects with white - consciousness - message - the release/letting go - letting be -what you can't 'hold' on to - liberation - butterfly/flying - comes from the possible heeding of the unconscious etc etc
