Tuesday 27 March 2012

She's smiling

GH session:
I am very happy to see that a young patient, Sifa started to talk to me after I play with her for few times. Last week she begun to respond to me by nod and shake her head to tell me what she wants and does not want. This week, she can verbally tell me what she wants to play and take the initiative to interact with me while playing her puzzle. Even it just a small breakthrough, but it gave me a sense of accomplishment. It is glad to see that she is getting healthier and can walk around the room. =)


  1. Patience is all when you can just 'be'...without the implicit demands of our expectations making judgements and evaluations of how 'it' ought to be. Looks like as you relax the more available you become for the child. Thats how they learn to be comfortable and ease with a strange adult.

  2. Well done, Poh Ling! Indeed, it needs a specialised set of knowledge and skills to be able to engage with a child client in a counselling context. All the best!
