Monday 20 February 2012



  1. Because its audio...I can't hear your hmm..ahhh as part of your micro skills of minimal encouragers. Pick up more on the feeling reflections example feel confused, isolated, unworthy, frustrated,......etc this will help in communicating empathy.....use summary and clarification....e.g. "

    You would really like others, like your peers and tutors to help you with your study but at same time you are anxious about how they may mistakenly perceive you as you put it as being 'stupid' As a result you it makes you feel socially isolated and raises the questions whether it is worth continuing with your current studies. Is they how you experience your dilemma at the present moment?

    Avoid any direct questions at this beginning stage, stay with attending and active listening skills to establish and communicate the core conditions.

    Thanks for posting and sharing your role play. Well done.
